Source Installs and RPM Issue

David Kramer david at
Mon Aug 12 01:32:26 EDT 2002

On Mon, 12 Aug 2002, Robert La Ferla wrote:

> Sometimes, I need to upgrade a core component like OpenSSL by compiling 
> the source rather than installing a new RPM.  However, there are several 
> packages like sendmail that depend on OpenSSL.  As a result, I can't 
> just 'rpm -e' the old RPM version and install the new version from the 
> source.  What is the best way to manage this?  Perhaps, the solution is 
> to build an RPM from the source and than install that instead?  I would 
> hate to have to uninstall all the RPM dependencies and then rebuild them 
> all so there has to be a better solution.

You could either install the RPM then install your compiled source on top 
of it.

Or install your compiled source and use rpm --justdb (Update only the 
database, not the filesystem.) to tell the RPM system that you've 
installed the package.

DDDD   David Kramer         
DK KD  "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy also mentions alcohol. 
DKK D  It says that the best drink in existance is the Pan Galactic
DK KD  Gargle Blaster."
DDDD             Douglas Adams, "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy".

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