Being Newer Than Red Hat

Kent Borg kentborg at
Mon Aug 12 15:26:25 EDT 2002

On Mon, Aug 12, 2002 at 03:12:22PM -0400, Chris Tresco wrote:
> You can build an rpm package from the source code you are going to
> compile...there are a lot of docs on how to do that.  This way you
> should be ok.  

Actually, I was just thinking up that same alley and thinking I could
try the cvs-1.11.2-cvshome.7x.i686.rpm that is on, and
specifically for Red Hat 7.x users.

But this whole thing has me thinking.  Maybe it is finally time for me
to learn how to build my own RPMs.  Might it be useful try to run much
of my sysadmining through an RPM bottleneck?  Not that my box is a
difficult project...but I use it for a learning platform, pretending I
can't afford downtime, etc., and generally intentionally make it more
complicated than it need be.


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