Is this a new type of spam?

Wizard wizard at
Mon Jul 22 20:13:35 EDT 2002

I just received an email that wasn't blocked by my spam filter. And when I
opened it....hey this guy is pretty smart - all of the typical keywords are
broken by html comments. Has anyone else seen this before?
Here's a bit of the spam:
<DIV align=center></DIV>
<P align=center><B><FONT face=Arial size=4>Hum<!--wizard-->an
Gro<!--wizard-->wth Hor<!--wizard-->mone Ther<!--wizard-->apy</FONT>
<P align=center><B><FONT face=Arial size=4>Lo<!--wizard-->se
while buil<!--wizard-->ding le<!--wizard-->an mus<!--wizard-->cle
rever<!--wizard-->sing the ravag<!--wizard-->es of ag<!--wizard-->ing all at
once.</FONT><FONT face=Arial size=3><BR></FONT></B><FONT face=Arial
size=3><BR>Remar<!--wizard-->kable discov<!--wizard-->eries about
Hum<!--wizard-->an Gro<!--wizard-->wth Hormo<!--wizard-->nes
(<B>HG<!--wizard-->H</B>) <BR>are changing the way we think about
ag<!--wizard-->ing and wei<!--wizard-->ght lo<!--wizard-->ss.</FONT></P>

Grant M.

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