Rumors of MS involvement in Apache advisory

Andy Davidoff andy+blu at
Mon Jun 24 04:22:48 EDT 2002

I'm a long-time subscriber to the ISS "X-Force" security bulletin
service and have seen no sinister or biased reporting of security
issues from this organization.  On the contrary, I always receive
comprehensive and useful bulletins on a wide variety of security
issues long before CERT feels comfortable reporting active exploits,
and that's something I am grateful for.  The ISS warnings run about
a week behind Bugtraq traffic due to their digest nature.

Thanks for the legwork,

#if Jim Long /* Jun 22, 22:59 */
> Regarding rumors of Microsoft involvement in ISS announcement of
> Apache flaw:
#endif /* jimlong at */

Andy Davidoff
Sen. Unix SysAdmin
Tufts University

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