[AIP] [aip-495] Heads up -- AIP-495 meeting on March 5th ... (fwd)

David Kramer david at thekramers.net
Fri Mar 1 11:51:31 EST 2002

On Fri, 1 Mar 2002, David Kramer wrote:

> Forwarded earlier, but somehow it didn't make it through.

1) Sorry for the double post; it took much longer than usual for Asgard to 
send it out for some reason.

2) Sorry for not explaining who they are, as I just kinda assumed 
without looking that they had a pointer to their home page in the 
footer or something sane like that.  ;)

AIP is the Association of Internet Professionals.  It's a national
organization.  There used to be a metro-Boston chapter that met at MIT.  
For a while they met at the same time as BLU, and I had to choose between
the two (looks like I made the right choice, eh?).  Then we talked to them
about it and they agreed to move their meeting to another day.  We had a 
joint meeting with them once and it went very well.

There seems to be a thing about Boston and user groups.  The AIP-Boston 
chapter died a painful death from (IIRC) fighting and apathy in the 
officers.  Coincidentally, this is what happened to the local ACM 
(Association for Computing Machinery) chapter I wanted to join.  And BCS, 
which many of us were members of.

** OK   HAVING WRITTEN THIS ** I just searched the ACM website for the 
name of the local group, and it looks like the Greater Boston chapter has 
started up again, and has actual events planned and whatnot.  Imagine my 
surprise!!  See http://www.gbcacm.org/  Looks like they have some 
interesting stuff coming up, too.

DDDD   David Kramer                   http://thekramers.net
DK KD  There is an art, it says, or, rather, a knack to flying.  The
DKK D  knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground 
DK KD  and miss.  All it requires is simply the ability to throw
DDDD   yourself forward with all weight, and the willingness not to 
       mind that it's going to hurt.  That is, it's going to hurt if
       you fail to miss the ground.
                  Douglas Adams, "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy".

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