Microsoft pressured Dell to discontinue Linux support

Jerry Feldman gaf at
Tue Mar 19 11:21:41 EST 2002

The following is quoted from the following in eWeek 
March 18, 2002 
Microsoft, States Debate Remedies
By  Darryl K. Taft,3658,s=1884&a=24242,00.asp

Kuney (atty Stephen Kuney) introduced a Microsoft memo to Ballmer, from the 
spring of 2000, that
called into question Dell Computer Corp.'s backing of Linux. The memo said 
it was  "untenable that a Windows Premier Partner would be promoting 
Linux." A subsequent memo, from early 2001, showed that Dell had disbanded 
its Linux business unit, laid off the head of the unit and dispersed the 
talent, Kuney said. He introduced other similar memos regarding Compaq 
Computer Corp.'s Linux push and Microsoft's alleged pressure on Compaq to 
"meet demand but not help create demand" for Linux. 
Jerry Feldman <gaf at>
Associate Director
Boston Linux and Unix user group PGP key id:C5061EA9
PGP Key fingerprint:053C 73EC 3AC1 5C44 3E14 9245 FB00 3ED5 C506 1EA9

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