[REDHAT] RHL 7.3 is out! (fwd)

John Chambers jc at trillian.mit.edu
Tue May 7 12:02:26 EDT 2002

| http://linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2002-05-06-010-26-NW-RH
| :-) Gentlemen, start your engines...

Yeah, and since its version  number  ends  with  an  odd  digit,  the
standard rule says it's probably a good one to install.


(Let's see; is there a good, fast way to  check  to  see  whether  it
supports  the  hardware  in  a given box.  This often turns out to be
rather difficult to track down efficiently.  It'd be useful to have a
set of pointers to copies of such a list.)

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