Wanna go to a computer show?

Drew Taylor drew at drewtaylor.com
Tue May 14 01:12:05 EDT 2002

Can you give me a few details on this bridge, and it's performance impact 
(if any)? I'd love to buy a big IDE HD and be able to swap it into my 
SCSI-only server for /home or /mp3. :-) And where did you find it? Any info 
is appreciated.


At 01:51 PM 5/13/2002 -0400, John Abreau wrote:

>I found a strap-on scsi bridge that converts
>and ide drive into a scsi drive; it costs $80. I haven't received
>mine yet.

Drew Taylor                  |  Freelance web development using
http://www.drewtaylor.com/   |  perl/mod_perl/MySQL/postgresql/DBI
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