AOL block of Comcast residential IPs

Rich Braun richb at
Tue Apr 8 14:20:37 EDT 2003

Testing 1-2-3, anyone get my earlier message?  There is a VERY active debate
about this on the GNHLUG mailing list, I'm wondering if anyone here has
experienced the AOL blockade of SMTP connections from former MediaOne
customers like me.

I do NOT want to relay my outbound email through one of Ashcroft's Carnivore
servers installed at the likes of one of the humongous service providers.  And
it disturbs me that the media seems to avoid mentioning the one key reason to
oppose corporate/governmental snooping into everyone's privacy:  corruption. 
Any sane individual, once elected or appointed into power, will eventually use
whatever means is available to protect that power and deny others access to
it.  (I don't even have any ambitions for power myself, so it doesn't really
matter if Ashcroft reads my email; I stand on the principle.)

Are there any SMTP relay services folks are using to get around this problem? 
Should I call the AOL hotline (703-265-4670) and demand to get on their
whitelist?  How are the rest of you responding?

The blockade went up, as near as I can tell, on Wednesday 28-Mar-03.

Rich Braun
A happy new user of SquirrelMail.  Thank you, BLU list archives!

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