backup systems.

R Ransbottom vze4zk6s at
Thu Apr 10 08:28:21 EDT 2003

On Wed, Apr 09, 2003 at 02:52:36PM -0400, Derek Martin wrote:

> Shipped with virtually every Unix flavor known to man are: tar, cpio,
> dump/restore, and dd.  All but the last suffice.

Dump/restore are filesystem specific.  This can be a good
reason to avoid them.  Have multiple systems that can
read your data is a nice convenience.

I'd vote for cpio output by scripts or amanda.

The suggestion to use a list of filesystems to backup
is bad.  Use a list of filesystems to avoid backing up.
Write your script to backup everything except specified
directories (/proc /tmp).  Then when filesystems are
created years from now they will automatically be backed

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