does a server have to announce that style sheets are "text/css"?

Seth Gordon sethg at
Fri Apr 11 15:20:33 EDT 2003

On Fri, 2003-04-11 at 13:42, Drew Taylor wrote:
> It's easy to fix as well: just make sure the default handler is run for 
> your .css files. Assuming apache:
> <Location /css>
>    SetHandler default-handler
> </Location>

I suspect that if I had been running apache on the server handling that
CSS file, I never would have noticed the issue.  It's running DJB's
publicfile, which handles a very limited set of MIME types by default,
and if you want anything outside the list, you either have to recompile
the program or mangle the filename.  So once I renamed my CSS file to
foo.text=css, everything was copacetic.

"Hurd will be out in a year (or two, or next month, who knows),..."
  --Linus Torvalds, 5 October 1991
// seth gordon // sethg at // //

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