HTML to Text only emails...

Bill Horne bill at
Sun Aug 17 15:56:30 EDT 2003

Derek Martin wrote:
> Everyone here knows that, regardless of who owns the computing
> resources, etc., people who are at work receive personal, sometimes
> very private, e-mail at work.  If someone else is reviewing your file
> attachments, potentially serious problems could result.  Such
> attachments could conceivably contain wage information, medical
> information, job offers, confidential business details, etc.  Having
> attachments reviewed by persons other than the intended recipient
> opens up a whole messy can of law-suit worms.


IANALB - I'll amplify Derek's and Jerry's comments: run this by the legal
staff before proceeding. Above all, don't assume that employees can give
permission for monitoring: some communications are priviledged no matter
what you get an employee to agree to.

As others pointed out, this sounds like it'll cost a lot. I'd suggest
starting out small, by having auto-updates for Service Packs and  antivirus
definitions, mandatory sweeps of machines, and (depending on the desk/laptop
OS) locking down the M$ Options to prevent macros from running. Oh, and NO
open shares, at any time, for any reason.

Bill, who is graduating from W2K security class this week.

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