Interesting Linux news... M$ threatens Lindows

Bob Keyes bob at
Tue Dec 16 00:04:17 EST 2003

On Mon, 15 Dec 2003, Robert La Ferla wrote:

> I was just reading an article about how Microsoft has threatened Lindows
> to change it's name or face attacks against it and it's distributors.

Lindows is cheezy, but Microsoft used a lot of oomph here. I am sad that
Sweden can be bought so cheaply.

> First, RedHat dropped their retail distribution now Lindows is being
> threatened.  Did RedHat do this solely because there was more money to
> be made in the Enterprise market or were they also nudged by M$?

They did it because they are incompetant business people. And they decided
to spoil the market for linux survivors by advising their customers to use
M$ products. They are truely dispicable.

>  One
> wonders because as far as I can tell, they are two of the top five
> retail Linux distributions and probably the top two for "users".  There
> is also another article on how Israel is threatening to switch to Linux
> after Thailand got a price break from M$.

I would, as an instinct, distrust any action that the israeli regieme
takes. However, I haven't figured out what their angle is here.

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