C++ Books

paul.cour1 at verizon.net paul.cour1 at verizon.net
Sat Dec 20 09:05:31 EST 2003

The recommendations by Jerry Feldman are all 5 star choices.

C++ Primer by Lippman and Lajoie,
C++ How to program by Deitel
The C++ Programming Language, by Bjarne Stroustrup

Be careful, it's easy to get a book case full of $50.00 C++ and computer books and wonder about your investment. 
Look before you leap.

Buck for Buck, an underrated book for $15.00 (?) and $5.00 (used)
is the Schaum's Outline Series, Programming with C++, Hubbard.

These Schaum's Outlines may lack slick graphics
but are filled with 100's of solved problems and examples.
More than ample textual discussion is there
for studying the concepts, as well.

After I got started, I learned lot's of things from Scott Meyers, 
Effective C++, but that is not necessarily a newbie's book.
Perhaps, short on solved problems, but heavy duty stuff.


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