spam control again

Seth Gordon sethg at
Tue Jul 15 12:04:29 EDT 2003

On Mon, 2003-07-14 at 16:03, josephc at wrote:
> I think the amount of life taken off my companies equipment due to SPAM 
> could be measured in milli-seconds

According to the statistics I've seen quoted, about half of all the
email being passed around the Net is spam.  So if your ISP has purchased
four T-1 lines to handle all its traffic, roughly half of that purchase
price can be accounted to spam.

"All our endeavor is based on the belief that, even in the middle of the
depravities of war, man retains a fundamental minimum of humanity. 
like this can make it very difficult to maintain this belief.  But
without it
we would have to admit that nothing distinguishes man from beast, *and
that we
will not admit*."  --a delegate of the International Committee of the
Red Cross
// seth gordon // sethg at // //

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