Open Season on Open Source?

Hungry Profiteer b40xcvq1 at
Mon Jun 16 13:56:24 EDT 2003


Hiawatha Bray has an article on the opening page of the Business
section in today's Boston Globe, entitled "Open Season on Open

Mr. Bray paints the SCO lawsuit as a serious threat to the use of
Linux, with prominent mention of SCO's FUD letters going out to every
Linux user it can find, and a declaration that SCO "Owns the legal
rights to Unix". There's no refutation or legal opinion to the
contrary: Mr. Bray doesn't even mention Novell's claims.

In addition, the article has no information about SCO's profitability,
or the likelihood of it returning profits by a means other than

The first three letters of the article are "FUD". I wonder if there's
a hidden message?

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