Looking for a J2EE web host

Jeffrey Pyne jpyne at worldatwork.org
Wed May 7 21:01:48 EDT 2003

On Wednesday, May 07, 2003 11:37 AM, David Kramer wrote:

> The problem is that we want J2EE. 

My boss does JSP/Servlet development on the side, and he hosts one of the
sites he created with InterKey (http://www.interkey.net).  They have several
packages that offer JSP/Servlet hosting, as well as ASP, Perl, .NET, etc.
For database access, you can use MySQL, Access or even FoxPro (yikes).  He
said he's paying $17.something/month.  There's also Solid Hosting
(http://www.solidwebhosting.com).  They offer a few different Java hosting
packages, all of which are <$60.  (I have no experience with either of these
companies, but my boss did say he likes InterKey.)


Jeffrey Pyne
UNIX Systems Administrator
14040 N. Northsight Blvd. 
Scottsdale, AZ  85260-3601
Phone: 480-905-5977
  Fax: 480-483-8352
 Cell: 480-206-3163 

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