Moving to boston-General Tech questions

Clint M. Sand clint at
Sat May 17 12:45:41 EDT 2003

On Sat, May 17, 2003 at 10:44:52AM -0400, Jeff Kinz wrote:
> Clint - sorry to post this to you so late but I hope you have time to
> reconsider a move to Boston for the sake of a tech job.  Tech workers
> here are looking at moving to other regions of the country to improve their
> chances of finding work.


Hi Jeff,

Thanks for your thoughts. My plan was to move to Boston because my wife
has been accepted to a graduate program there. So unfortunetely, i was
pretty much locked into needing to find something in the Boston area. 

Fortunetely, I have accepted a job offer in the Waltham area just this
friday. The only problem is they want me there immediately, so i'm
packing up my house and moving within 2 weeks. Considering all the great
points you made, i consider myself extremely lucky.

Looks like you guys/gals will have to put up with me at your meetings
babbling about OpenBSD sooner than I thought. :)

Thanks again for everyone's time.


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