New Work Study Job

Thomas Leonard ike6116 at
Thu Oct 2 22:09:05 EDT 2003

Hey all,

I'm a bit of a dabbler as far as OSes go, and I've installed my share 
of Linux distros (Redhat, SuSE, Mandrake PPC, YDL, Debian, gentoo-ppc) 
and I was sure to say this when I got to school and applied for my job 
at ResNet/Campus IT.  Come to find out I am the only other person who 
really knows anything about Linux (and being that money is scarce free 
is looking even better.)  They told me today (my 3rd day on the job) 
that they wanted me to install my favorite distro on a machine that was 
to be a BIND "caching" server.  The other guy who knows about Linux 
said he wanted it chroot jail-ed and configurable by webmin if 
possible.  Being as how I am mostly a desktop user and have only had 
server wise setting up and configuring apache, ssh, and mailman this 
has me a bit nervous.  I have decided to go with Debian (Woody, Sarge 
or Sid I haven't decided but I'm obviously leaning towards Woody).  Do 
any battle hardened guru's have advice / pointers before I start?  
Anything really would be greatly appreciated.


Thomas Leonard
<ike6116 at>
AIM: ike6116

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