Backup--quick, cheap, good/fast, pick all 3

David Kramer david at
Sat Sep 6 12:48:20 EDT 2003

On Saturday 06 September 2003 06:55 am, paulc wrote:
> David Kramer said:
> "in addition to certain whitelisted directories and file
> extensions,"
> please tell me more about these ...

At the top of the program is a definition for $IncludeVars, $IncludeFiles, 
$ExcludeDirs, and $ExcludeFIles.  These are regular expressions to match 
those categories, and they are all like "(foo|bar|baz)" so there are a 
bunch of possible matches "or"ed together.

For instance, my $ExcludeDirs looks like:

and is used to exclude from automatic inclusion files that I know will not 
change, don't need to be backed up, or will be backed up separately (like 
/home/, which I back up more frequently using a different procedure).

The following lines of code from the code fragment in by last email enforce 
the whitelist and blacklist:

> > 	if($Source =~ /(\/($IncludeDirs)\/)/ || $Source =~ /($IncludeFiles)/)


> > 	elsif($Source !~ /(\/($ExcludeDirs)\/)/ && $Source !~
> > /($ExcludeFiles)/) {

DDDD   David Kramer         david at
DKK D  "Questions are a burden to others,
DK KD  Answers a prison for oneself."
DDDD                                                           -The Prisoner

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