IP address, how to find

Seth Gordon sethg at ropine.com
Thu Sep 11 19:55:58 EDT 2003

On Thu, 2003-09-11 at 09:06, heidi wrote:
> (I'll be a newbie for ever.  Thanks for help at last fall's InstallFest.)
> How do I find my own computer's ip address.  If I type ifconfig I get 
> the standard:
> inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

A subtle point worth keeping in mind: Strictly speaking, computers don't
have IP addresses; *network interfaces* have IP address.  "Your
computer's IP address" is a kind of shorthand for "the IP address of the
interface that can be used to do stuff with your computer and nobody
else's", or something like that.

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:: seth gordon :: sethg at ropine.com :: blog http://dynamic.ropine.com/yo/
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