Newbie Question, Edit - Writing

karina.popkova at karina.popkova at
Fri Apr 2 16:36:52 EST 2004


I have a newbie question about writing and editing a manuscript.

The Instructor mentioned using Adobe Framemaker.
and listed a number of capabilities where Framemaker
was more sophisticated than M$ Word.

The assignment is to write and format a White Paper.
This involves enumerating paragraphs, footnotes etc.

It would seem that this stuff might be done in a or with a template.
It was indicated that while M$ Word does most of these things, 
some of the functions are automatically updated and formatted in 
Framemaker (and automatically accomodates changes).

Is there an Open Source equivalent to Framemaker?

What do Open Source people use for Desk Top Publishing?

I have read here, about Open Office, but have not used it.
On a 0 - 10 scale how does Open Office manage the editing
of a serious manuscript like a User's Handbook for some device,
or a real book, booklet, or White Paper??? 



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