Newbie - Write and Edit

Tim King timk at
Sat Apr 3 22:41:18 EST 2004

I agree. Writer is great for writing. I use it all the 
time. I've done very limited publishing (kind of) using OOWriter, and it 
stinks for that job. I could get better results from a web browser and 
HTML. (Seriously.) I used to use Microsoft Publisher back in the day, 
and that old, back-then version would blow away OOWriter today. But 
that's okay, because OOWriter is a word processor, not a DTP, and it 
serves the needs of the writer most excellently, and a DTP program would 
not. It's only recently that I've needed to do DTP work on my Linux box. 
(Got laid off. Needed new resume and portfolio in a hurry. Now looking 
for a job.) I've never tried Scribus, but I probably will the next time 
I need to do DTP.


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