environment variable is your friend

Duane Morin dmorin at lear.morinfamily.com
Mon Apr 19 12:35:34 EDT 2004

> It seems to me that the fact that a noob can survive two years with 
> Linux and still be a noob is a testament to how far along Linux has 
> come.

Devil's Advocate: Is it better to have something that *appears* so easy to 
use that you have complete confidence in it immediately (Windows), or 
something that is so intimidating that after 2 years you still lack the 
confidence to think of yourself as anything but a newbie?

Not debating whether people who think they are knowledgeable in something 
really are -- just in relative comfort/confidence levels.  If somebody 
used Windows for 2 years and still called himself a noob, would it be a 
good thing?


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