environment variable is your friend

D.E. Chadbourne 235u at comcast.net
Tue Apr 20 15:58:37 EDT 2004

Brendan wrote:

> If someone is on this list that is interested in learning something, and 
> hasn't done so after using it for two years, it's either modesty that he says 
> he's a newbie, or he's missing his 23rd chromosome.

mmmnnn.  "From elementary genetics we learn that the 23rd chromosome is 
the "sex" determining chromosome."  your comment sounds a little sexist. 
  anyway, to the people around me on daily basis i am a minor computer 
god.  they never understand what i am doing.  they're just glad i help 
them sometimes and don't do anything to harm their computers.  compare 
me to the 2 or 3 fellows who responded to my questions concerning 
environment variables and i'm nobody special.  so in relation to them, 
i'm a mere noob.  they're big dogs and i'm a late convert little dog. 
see.  but i am trying hard to catch up.  so play nice and don't be so 
hard on me. -eric the chihuahua.

Bohr, Niels Henrik David (1885-1962)
An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes,
which can be made, in a very narrow field.

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