learning java

Duane Morin dmorin at lear.morinfamily.com
Thu Apr 29 09:49:58 EDT 2004

Which Sun cert are you getting?  There are like 4 levels ranging from "Has
memorized the esoteric bits of the API that no one uses" to "Can now call
himself an architect and have a piece of paper on the wall that proves he
coughed up the dough" (as opposed to everybody else who calls themselves
architects without the piece of paper :)).  I recommend the "web
developer" level which seems to be the most practical one.

While I'm sure that getting certified is a good way to prove to yourself 
that you've reached a milestone in learning the language, I hope you're 
not investing lots of money.  My company is hiring good Java people as 
fast as we can find them and I can honestly say that certification has not 
made a lick of difference in anybody's situation thus far.   Maybe if you 
want to target some big financial enterprises or something, sure, but 
we're just a small company that wants people that can code (and we're 
gonna ask you the same technical questions whether you claim to be 
certified or not :)).


 On Thu, 29 Apr 2004, D.E. Chadbourne wrote:

> Hi.  I'm teaching myself Java and will probably get the Sun cert in a 
> month or two.  NEJUG's meetings are too far away and a lot of "online" 
> groups didn't feel comfortable to me.  Too specific on some aspect of 
> Java technology, too large a volume of emails, what ever.  What I wanted 
> was something just like BLU, but we can yap about Java also.  Since I 
> couldn't find that, I'm trying to get one started.
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/caffeinated_penguins/
> If anybody wants come hang out you're more than welcome.
> Thanks.  -Eric.

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