wipe utility

Cole Tuininga colet at code-energy.com
Fri Aug 13 10:05:01 EDT 2004

On Fri, 2004-08-13 at 10:01, Eric wrote:
> What would be a good way to wipe something on a journaling filesystem?

What you would need is a utility that had direct access to the hard
drive, bypassing the filesystem layer.  It would also need to understand
the setup of the filesystem though.

If the filesystem in question is ext3, there's a slightly simpler
method.  Unmount it, and remount it as ext2.  For the most part, this
should work and will simply turn off the journaling.  At that point, a
utility such as wipe would work just fine.  After you're done, unmount
the filesystem and remount it once again as ext3.

Computers are like air conditioners: 
They stop working properly when you open windows.

Cole Tuininga
Lead Developer
Code Energy, Inc
colet at code-energy.com
PGP Key ID: 0x43E5755D

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