Major Clock Drift

John Chambers jc at
Mon Aug 30 15:20:02 EDT 2004

dsr commented:
| On Mon, Aug 30, 2004 at 09:24:27AM -0400, Josh Pollak wrote:
| > Thats over a full minute of drift in one week. I find that hard to
| > believe. Perhaps the RTC is inaccurate as a trade off for providing so
| > many ticks per second, but I've never seen a computer's clock drift
| > this quickly, even when we weren't running NTP.
| OK, it's magic pixies that have laid a curse on your computer.

Heh.  And those pixies work in the shop that assembled the  computer,
where  they  substitute the cheapest clocks for the clocks that their
employer specified.

(I've seen a number of Intel-based PCs that lost  or  gained  several
minutes PER DAY.  Some of those clocks are quite crummy.  ;-)

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