Another test message -- October messages

Jerry Feldman gaf at
Mon Dec 6 08:11:56 EST 2004

On Saturday 23 October 2004 11:40 am, Jerry Feldman wrote:
> My previous messages were held. The archives shows one got through, but
> not to my system.
Shortly after installing the new server, we upgraded mailman from 2.1.4 to 
2.1.5, but 2.1.5 was not delivering the mail, so we downgraded back to 
2.1.4. We did a system update yesterday, and 2.1.5 was installed again, but 
this time it atoned for itself by delivering all the mail it had squirreled 
away in October. 
So now we have the latest version of mailman up and running.  
Jerry Feldman <gaf at>
Boston Linux and Unix user group PGP key id:C5061EA9
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