
Jerry Feldman gaf at blu.org
Tue Dec 7 09:20:35 EST 2004

A couple of things. Somehow I have Evolution set up as my default email 
program for Mozilla Firefox 1.0, and I am not sure how to change this 
possibly short of editing the preferences. 

But, in any case, when evolution loads and I exit it, it leaves 3 processes 
(from PS):
28013 ?        Ss     0:00 /opt/gnome/lib/bonobo/bonobo-activation-server 
--ac-activate --
28015 ?        Sl     0:00 /opt/gnome/lib/evolution-data-server-1.0 
28039 ?        Sl     
0:04 /opt/gnome/lib/evolution/2.0/evolution-alarm-notify --oaf-activ

I'd like to know how to tell evolution not to leave them when it exits. 
Jerry Feldman <gaf at blu.org>
Boston Linux and Unix user group
http://www.blu.org PGP key id:C5061EA9
PGP Key fingerprint:053C 73EC 3AC1 5C44 3E14 9245 FB00 3ED5 C506 1EA9

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