I just *had* to comment.

David Kramer david at thekramers.net
Wed Jun 2 11:00:01 EDT 2004

On Wednesday 02 June 2004 10:50 am, David Kramer wrote:
> "Oh, you came here for an argument.  This is getting hit on the head
> lessons".
> Gotcha.  Looks like John granted your wish.  But even on their own website,
> they don't actually state what advantages their system has.  It would
> certainly be a tough sell on me.

And I came up with a better name for the project, too.

"Central Point Of Total System Failure" (CPOTS)

DDDD   David Kramer                           http://thekramers.net
DKK D  "Some men are born mediocre, some men achieve mediocrity,
DK KD  and some men have mediocrity thrust upon them."
DDDD         -Joseph Heller (1923-1999) "The Great Executive Dream"

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