Wipro's Azim Premji - 'The man who wants to take your jobs'

Bob George mailings02 at ttlexceeded.com
Mon Mar 22 10:32:23 EST 2004

Zack Cerza wrote:

> [...]
> That is, this outsourcing is an equalizer. While equalizers tend to help the 
> majority, the minority (us) will feel the pain. Yes, it will hurt. But from 
> this perspective, it should happen. This is Capitalism, folks, which I hear 
> (whether or not you like it) is the American Way.

That's PART of the American Way, yes...

> > As for the companies that do it, however, It's plain to see that we're not 
> seeing lowered costs as a result of this. In fact, as customers our 
> experience seems to be worsening. Think outsourced helplines, and how they 
> seem to be utterly clueless. But that's not the employees' fault; that's 
> Dell's fault, and Fleet's fault, and whoever else decides to cut corners.

And here's the other part. Until we collectively get massively pissed 
off and actually STOP SHOPPING with these companies, they're going to 
CONTINUE doing what works. UNTIL they feel some pain, all the pissing 
and moaning in the world won't help. So IF you still buy from Dell and 
IF you still shop a Walmart, YOU'RE NOT HELPING.

It seems a lot of people want the government to do something to stop the 
evil outsourcing, but still want to save a few bucks shopping with these 
same companies.

> Feel free to trample this, as it is my own train of thought and thus could be 
> totally wrong.

I do think it's the American Way to highlight the activities of 
"representatives" in Government who facilitate some of the nonsense such 
as bringing IN cheap labor.

I know some of this is natural, and must happen. But I also think 
there's a lot of greed in play.

- Bob

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