Wipro's Azim Premji - 'The man who wants to take your jobs'

John Whitfield john_whitfield at email.com
Tue Mar 23 08:38:01 EST 2004

 > These foriegn workers normally can't afford to attend 
 > American universities to obtain their skills.  American 
 > taxpayers, in many cases, are paying for them.  This is 
 > a travesty.  In far more cases, the Indian government 
 > (or the Chinese govt., etc.) is doing it. 

Doesn't that suggest that the larger problem is the American educational system?  There are very few real scholarships left; students are encouraged to borrow far beyond their means to repay.  In the end, it's a better deal financially to be a truck driver than a doctor because there are no tuition loans to repay.  If America wants to stay a world leader, we need to stop wasting our resources of skill and talent with a flawed educational model.

I work with several Indians and over there, if you have the talent, you are pretty much guaranteed the education it takes to exercise that talent.

My two cents,
John Whitfield
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