Wipro's Azim Premji - 'The man who wants to take your jobs'

Bruce Davis ayden at mixolydian.org
Tue Mar 23 11:48:35 EST 2004

Derek Martin wrote:

>I'm no fan of protectionism, but I do believe that until the world
>economy eventually does equalize in a hundred years or so, some amount
>of protectionism is necessary, in order to make the transition more
>smooth for everyone involved.

A very interesting point.

This is definitely not free trade.  India can and does freely export its 
labor to the US market.  But have you seen the tariffs placed on US 
goods entering India?  Shipping Cisco equipment to India incurs nearly a 
100% tariff.  Even when attempting to buy it from a local vendor (one of 
those mentioned in this discussion) the discounted quote is almost 60% 
higher than the US price.

As I said, this is not free trade.

Bruce Davis
Medford MA

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