vi(m) problem

Jerry Feldman gerald.feldman at
Tue Nov 9 08:20:26 EST 2004

Was anyone able to read Dan's message with KMail or Evolution.
With KMail his email came out blank. (I was able to read it with view 

In any case, Dan sent me the .doc file, and I was able to successfully read 
the .doc file into 1.1.3, and export it to text, and read it 
with vi or emacs. Dan is using 1.1.1. 

Additionally, the only way I was able to extract his attachments was to 
manually extract the base64 parts of the documents with the base64 utility.

Jerry Feldman <gerald.feldman at>
Partner Technology Access Center (contractor) (PTAC-MA)
Hewlett-Packard Co.
550 King Street LKG2a-X2
Littleton, Ma. 01460

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