FC3 vs SUSE 9.2

David Kramer david at thekramers.net
Sun Nov 14 01:58:16 EST 2004

I can't find a single comparison between the two.  Very strange.

Though in my searching I found two interesting things.

1) It appears SUSE falsely advertised 9.2's ability to work with Centrino 
wireless out of the box.  Given that was my main reason for getting it, I'm 
mighty pissed.  I haven't tried it on my laptop yet, so I'm not going to bomb 
their headquarters uet, but they will hear from me if it doesn't work.

2) distrowatch.com seems to be down.  Looks like a DNS issue though.
$ host -v distrowatch.com
Trying "distrowatch.com"
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 54694
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0

;distrowatch.com.               IN      A

distrowatch.com.        283     IN      CNAME   distrowatch.com.

Received 47 bytes from in 9 ms

$ ping distrowatch.com
ping: unknown host distrowatch.com

DDDD   David Kramer         david at thekramers.net       http://thekramers.net
DKK D  If you don't know who you are, the stock market is an expensive
DK KD  place to find out.
DDDD                                                             -Adam Smith

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