[blu] broadband phones?

Jerry Feldman gaf at blu.org
Tue Nov 30 07:55:42 EST 2004

On Monday 29 November 2004 10:13 pm, Anthony Gabrielson wrote:
> On Mon, 29 Nov 2004, William D Ricker wrote:
> > view. And no, GPS phone doesnt help much.
> Okay - I'll bite; why doesn't it.  I think POTS is over priced and for
> the vintage of tech that it is, so why should I pay for it?  I have had
> my cell phone for three years and its reception has only gotten better,
> also the one time I need to call 911 when I saw bad wreck they knew
> exactly where I was.  The only valid gripe I see is power, in which
> emergency generators can be put in place for the tower.
> POTS needs to go - its old, overpriced, and requires to much overhead to
> maintain it.
Now, with GPS equipped cell phones, POTS starts to become obsolete. The 
problem is that cellular is not a full coverage, especially for rural 
areas. The cellphone companies are placing cell towers near major highways. 
A friend of mine who used to live in Holland, Ma only had either POTS or 
satellite for internet. Holland has no cable or DSL or ISDN, and internet 
providers were all long distance. He then bought his mother-in-law's home 
(next door) in Union, Ct. Now he has cable internet. 

I think that John Chambers might remember a lunch conversation we had a 
while back when we worked together where I predicted that wireless phones 
would start replacing POTS. 

But, one must remember that the POTS companies are involved in DSL 
(regardless who you get it from), in-state switching, and things like high 
speed lines, like T1.
Jerry Feldman <gaf at blu.org>
Boston Linux and Unix user group
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