DNS Connection Question

trlists at clayst.com trlists at clayst.com
Tue Oct 19 22:15:01 EDT 2004

On 19 Oct 2004 David Kramer wrote:

> I'm guessing that it's getting a non-autoritative answer from another 
> server.  Try "host -v (domainname)" to verify that's where it's getting 
> the DNS entry from.

No, it's not connecting at all.

A couple of people pointed out to me off-list that the PHP function is 
probably connecting over TCP and DNS uses UDP.  The servers that fail 
have port 53 open for UDP connections only.

They're right -- and it is possible to use a PHP fsockopen() with UDP 
but it's more complex as then you have to listen for the answer etc.  
It will make things trickier.


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