X11 tricks

Stephen Adler adler at stephenadler.com
Tue Oct 26 14:19:52 EDT 2004

I'm having an X11 kufuffle.... I want to go around the X11 tunnel
which ssh sets up and do a direct X11 connection, (yes, unencrypted..)
For some reason, it does not work on my laptop, but does work on a
friends PC. What I do is the following

LaptopPC $ echo $(hostname)
$ xhost +
$ ssh Desktop.local.net
Desktop $ export DISPLAY=LaptopPC:0.0
Desktop $ xclock

nothing comes up. if I don't do the export command above to change
the DISPLAY environment variable, xclock pops up. I've check to make
sure I have no firewall running, and my hosts.allow and hosts.deny
are empty. Can anyone else think of why I cant get xclock to pop up?

Thanks in advance...


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