Speakers and topics for future meetings

Jerry Feldman gaf at blu.org
Mon Aug 22 09:38:10 EDT 2005

I'm looking for both some topic ideas as well as some speakers for future 
BLU meetings. 
Some things I'd like to explore is:
1. VOIP - we had a speaker lined up who got preempted by his company.

2. Legal - I'd possibly like to get someone, maybe from FSF (Free Software 
Foundation), EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation), or some other person who 
has the expertise to speak about the current issues around intellectual 
property and Linux that have been called into question by the SCO lawsuits 
where SCO (specifically Darl McBride) is actually challenging the legality 
of the GPL.  My personal interest here is more toward educating the 
community about Linux and the legality to use it without licensing or fear 
of reprisal.

If anyone out there knows someone who can speak to our group on a relevant 
topic (remember we are both Linux and Unix, so FreeBSD and commercial Unix 
systems are appropriate). 

Jerry Feldman <gaf at blu.org>
Boston Linux and Unix user group
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