Disk Recovery suggestions welcomed...

Don Levey lug at the-leveys.us
Thu Dec 15 21:52:50 EST 2005

dsr wrote:

> You should assume the disk is ready to die. If you've got an
> application which can use a lot of unreliable storage -- image
> editing or music or movie editing, for example -- you could keep
> the drive around for that until it fails.
> I second the recommendation for using testdisk, by the way.
> Now is a good time to ask yourself: is Linux software RAID right
> for me? The cost of disks is relatively low, and disk mirroring
> is remarkably effective when coupled with a decent UPS...
> -dsr-

That's sort of what I figured.  I've got a RAID1 already for my /var
partition, which houses all the truly irreplaceable content (pictures of my
kids, music, etc).  I should have a spare spot on the tertiary IDE interface
(which is housing one drive for the RAID) so I'll set it up that way.

Then, when I'm all done, I can upgrade my distro... (running Fedora 2, need
to upgrade to 4).

Thanks, all!

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