process monitor and restart utility

Jerry Feldman gaf at
Thu Dec 29 07:13:21 EST 2005

On Thu, 29 Dec 2005 00:21:29 -0500
Robert La Ferla <robertlaferla at> wrote:

> I am looking for a utility that essentially keeps a list of processes to 
> monitor (in a flat file much like crontab) and restarts them if they 
> crash (or fail to respond to some condition like a http get).  However, 
> I'd also like it to provide an optional notification of the 
> crash/restart and there should be a way to stop the process without 
> having it automatically restarted.  I've written scripts to do this but 
> there's got to be a standard or commonly used utility out there to do 
> this.  I read that Debian has something called restartd.  Ideally, I'd 
> like something that is actively supported open source and compiles/runs 
> on Fedora.  Recommendations?
While I was looking at the utilities that dsr posted, you already have
it. You can use inittab to do it. 

Add a line similar to this in /etc/inittab:
x:35:respawn:<path to utility>  <arguments>

In the above, the x is some id assigned by you. 35 means to do this in
run levels 3 and 5. Normally, daemons are started when the rc script is
executed. rc then starts a script whose symlink is in the
rc<runlevel>.d directory.  But, daemons can be started directly from

Jerry Feldman <gaf at>
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