Help learning Linux

Kevin D. Clark clark_k at
Thu Feb 17 17:43:05 EST 2005

Todd Posey <tp004a at> writes:

> I have installed Red Hat before, but I never really used it after I
> installed it.  If you had to start from scratch, how would you go
> about learning linux?  

How to learn a new operating-system/programming-language/etc:

1:  Think of some task that you'd like to accomplish using the new

2:  Using the new system, do whatever you have to do in order to
    accomplish the task.

3:  Repeat as necessary.

Well, this is what I would do anyways.  I think that sitting down with
a book or taking a class or whatever in order to learn a new <system>
would be pretty boring if you don't have specific goals in mind.

For starters, how about trying to put together a simple document on
your new Linux box, and then mailing it to a friend with the email
client of your choice?  There are several sub-tasks here -- take care
of these, ask for help, etc., but don't let these get in your way.

GnuPG ID: B280F24E                     And the madness of the crowd!kdc                     Is an epileptic fit
                                       -- Tom Waits

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