Linux CVS Server and Windows CVS Server

Grant M. gmongardi at
Fri Oct 7 12:15:29 EDT 2005

Dave Peters wrote:
> Hello all,
> Can anyone help me to give some ideals about what's
> different between Linux CVS Server and Windows CVS
> server? What is advantage and disadvantage? 

Linux Advantages:
  Price, uptime, and reliability?
Windows Advantages:
  You get Windows Media Player free!

Just kidding...sort of. Given that you can get a dual-xeon 1U server
_with_ RHEL from Dell for under $1400, the price _is_ good, but the
reall comparison is for the software. With Linux, it really is easier to
manage failure scenarios than you can with Windows. Things like boot
disk failures, configurations, and software recoveries are all things
that from my experience are much more easily managed from a Linux box
then they are from a Windows server. Additionally, there's alot of Open
Source solutions that work better or just plain work on a *nix system
and don't on a Windows box. For instance, I just spent 2 weeks trying to
get auth_ldap for Apache 1.3.33 to build on Win2k3, and basically came
to the conclusion that it couldn't be done without purchasing the newest
Visual C++, and perhaps couldn't be done at all (I could not find any
binaries on the web for Win2k3).

So all said, Windows is a fine desktop platform, and _could_ be a decent
server platform if you're only planning on running Windows apps and
don't plan to make alot of changes to the installed system, but I think
from the standpoint of support the Linux platform offers more bang for
the buck,

Grant M.
Grant Mongardi
Systems Engineer

gmongardi at
781.894.3114 phone
781.894.3997 fax

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