looking for recommnedations for an attorney and/or accountant

Adam Russell rus20376 at infolaunch.com
Mon Apr 3 15:04:13 EDT 2006

I am currently a W2 contractor. That is, I am a w2 employee of the 
contract agency. I did this initially in order to ensure that i had 
benefits, however, the beneifts they offer I now realize aren't all that 
great. So, I figure if I start my own LLC or S-Corp I can see more of 
the $$ that the contract agency is currently taking from me and just 
negotiate my own benefits.
That said, I know little of such business details and would like to meet 
with an accountant or attorney for some advice.
I know there are a lot of expereinced contractor son this list and was 
hoping for a recommendation for such services in the cambridge area that 
will not cost too much.
How mch can I expect to spend for a meeting and getting a consultation 
and advice?

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