Invisible PDFs

Jerry Feldman gaf at
Tue Apr 4 10:21:35 EDT 2006

Recently I've come across and problem where I have PDF documents that don't 
print on Linux. One of these was the output from Turbo Tax (Mac). I ended 
up printing them directly on Windows XP (ugh).

This morning, I went to print out a document using Adobe reader 7, and it 
only printed the separator page. Here is a document that also does not 
print using acroread.
I tried KPDF, and print preview crashes kpdf. 

KGhostview and GNOME PDF viewers do work on the documents in question.
Jerry Feldman <gaf at>
Boston Linux and Unix user group PGP key id:C5061EA9
PGP Key fingerprint:053C 73EC 3AC1 5C44 3E14 9245 FB00 3ED5 C506 1EA9

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