Unzipping a Windows executable archive

James R. Van Zandt jrvz at comcast.net
Sun Apr 9 11:25:42 EDT 2006

nmeyers at javalinux.net writes:
> A lot of self-extracting archives are zip, but not all. I've also seen
> self-extracting rar archives - you might try unrar.  It's also possible
> that it's some proprietary archive format you can't read with a standard
> tool.
> Nathan

I would test it with file(1).  If it identifies the format, you'll
know what kind of unpacking tool to look for. If it fails ("data") and
you later figure it out, please try to find something appropriate to
add to its data file /usr/share/misc/file/magic, to help out the next

                - Jim Van Zandt

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