cheap old laptop

Jerry Feldman gaf at
Fri Jan 6 13:07:57 EST 2006

On Friday 06 January 2006 12:17 pm, Jack Coats wrote:
> try 'winforlin' or 'vmware' and run IE, since compatability with IE is
> what you said you want to test.  
Win4Lin costs about $89 the last time I checked, and requires a Windows 
license (they have 2 versions, one for Windows 9x and another for Xp and 
VMWare is also expensive.
Both are virtual machines that run full blown copies of the OS, and because 
of that may require a newer laptop.

Wine (free) or CrossoverOffice ($39 at last check) is effectively an API 
that allows you to run Windows programs under Linux. 

All are good products. If it is just MSIE, then WINE might be the best 
alternative since it is included on most Linux distros. It is a bit 
difficult to configure. 

Jerry Feldman <gaf at>
Boston Linux and Unix user group PGP key id:C5061EA9
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