Discuss Digest, Vol 16, Issue 10 --> Nostalgia &c.; plans

Matej Cepl ceplm at seznam.cz
Fri Jan 20 23:59:41 EST 2006

Nicholas Bodley wrote:
> maybe [K]Ubuntu, although it did have some signif. disappointments.

Can you elaborate on this, please? I have here Debian/sid and I begun to
seriously think what will be distro on my next computer, because almost
certainly it won't be plain Debian (there is just not balance between
obsoletness of even testing and sometimes-instability of sid). I have heard
so many good things about [k]ubuntu, that I was seriously thinking about
switch. Therefore, I would be really interested in any bad experience with
[k]ubuntu you can share.



Matej Cepl, http://www.ceplovi.cz/matej/blog/
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
<Overfiend> Don't come crying to me about your "30 minute
compiles"!! I have to build X uphill both ways! In the snow! With
bare feet! And we didn't have compilers! We had to translate the
C code to mnemonics OURSELVES!  And I was 18 before we even had

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