BLU archives

John Abreau jabr at
Tue Jan 31 10:34:27 EST 2006

Tom Metro wrote:
> I just tried looking something up in the BLU (discuss list) archives:
> and noticed we don't have a search engine. These days Google is the 
> quick answer to that problem, but Google seems to have a very limited 
> index of For example, a search that should have turned 
> up a few hundred posts in the entire archive, or even several from 
> January, only turned up one from the January archive.
> Are there steps we can take to get Google to spider the site? Are there 
> any robot rules preventing Google from spidering the site?
> Are there any other list archiving services that archive BLU discuss? 
> (Usually they turn up in a Google search, but I found none on the web or 
> in groups.) If not, maybe we should start using one as a secondary archive.
> We could always change the archiving software to one that provides a 
> search feature, but that's probably more work than getting Google to work.

Back on the old BLU server, long ago, I was having difficulty getting 
mailman to display the various lists from the url

It proved quicker to throw together a simple php page to link to each 
list's archive page. Some time after that I put the google search box on 
that php page.

A while back we got a new server, and we moved all the lists over to 
that. During the move i figured out how to convince mailman to display 
the lists without needing to roll my own index page. I never found the 
time to figure out how to add the google search box within mailman, and 
if I ever do get around to it, I'd want to be able to do it in a way 
that won't be wiped out every time I upgrade the mailman rpm.

Ideally I'd want to include it in whatever template mailman uses to 
generate each list's archive page, suc as

If someone can point out what files need to be modified, that would be 
appreciated. And if a better address-munging scheme can be easily bolted 
onto mailman, a pointer to that would be nice.

John Abreau / Executive Director, Boston Linux & Unix
ICQ 28611923 / AIM abreauj / JABBER jabr at / YAHOO abreauj
Email jabr at / WWW / PGP-Key-ID 0xD5C7B5D9
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